1. The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hare And The Tortoise

This classic story about a race between one of the fastest creatures on earth and one of the slowest has been a favorite for generations. This truly is a timeless tale that engages kids from the ages of 2-6


Don’t underestimate a task, ensure you see it through without letting your ego swell up. Sometimes a slow pace and patience are considered better tools to face a challenge.

Also Read: 15 Moral Stories for Kids

2. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

A timeless tale of a wolf who used the flayed skin of a sheep to disguise itself and fool the other sheep into thinking it is one of their own. This story contains an important lesson that we all must learn at some point in our lives.


Appearances can be deceptive. One must never take people or circumstances at face value. A little bit of precaution can go a long way in self-preservation.

3. The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs

A tale to illustrate the folly of pigs who do not listen to their mother and build houses that are unstable. It’s a story where you can add a lot of effect and have your little one enthralled by the suspense of the fate of the big bad wolf.


The story teaches children that doing a job well is as important as getting the job done in the first place. Integrity and motivation for your actions go a long way.

Also Read: 10 Popular Fairy Tale Stories for Kids

4. The Crow and the Jug

A tale everyone grew up with. A telling of a crow and his thirst and his infallible attitude of never giving up. The crow uses his ingenuity and resourcefulness to solve his problem and fly away a happy bird.


Do not give up at the first sign of adversity. Use what you have around you to solve any problem and achieve your goals and dreams.

5. Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

The classic tale of a young girl who crosses the path of a bear family. The spoilt girl finally learns her lesson when the three bears are not taken in by her beauty and are upset at their home being used unannounced.


Always think of the consequences of your actions on the people surrounding you especially when your actions directly affect them.

Also Read: Top 10 Short Panchatantra Stories for Kids

6. Sour Grapes

Sour Grapes

A tale of a hungry fox and the grapes he cannot reach. After trying a few times, he declares them to be sour anyway and gives up promptly. His hunger remains unsatisfied.


Try till you succeed and do not be a sore loser. Accept defeat graciously and learn from your failures rather than trying to lay blame on other things.

Also Read: 10 Exciting Bedtime Princess Stories for Kids

7. Belling the Cat

Belling the Cat

The story of a family of mice and their fear of the cat ruling the house. A large discussion ensues on the possible solutions including a bell for the cat in order to receive a warning of the cat’s approach.


Talking about doing something might be well and good until the action has to be carried out. It might be unpleasant and hard though and recognizing the pitfalls of seemingly good ideas is important.

8. The Hound and the Rabbit

The Hound And The Rabbit

A story of a hound chasing a rabbit. The hound becomes tired and gives up the chase. Upon being mocked by a herd of goats, the hound explains that the rabbit ran faster because it was fighting for its life.


The best incentives give the best results. Motivation is a key factor in any work being done.

9. The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

A classic tale of a duckling who finds that all his brothers and sisters and even his friends are more beautiful than he is. Completely dejected, he leaves his family and cloisters himself in a secluded part of the lake. After he goes by a few visiting birds tell him that he has now grown into a beautiful swan.


Everyone is beautiful just the way they are even if they do not meet the ideals set by the world around them.

10. Two Cats and a Monkey

Two Cats and A Monkey

This is the story of two cats who were arguing over a cake. A monkey sees them and offers to help by dividing the cake equally. After he breaks it in half, he says that the pieces are not equal. He takes a bite out of the bigger piece. He then takes a bite out of the other piece since it is now the bigger one. He does this until all of the cake is gone.


When we fight, others will benefit from us.

Also Read: Top 10 Short Stories to Tell Your Kids

11. The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion And The Mouse

The story of a lion who spares the life of a mouse after it promises the lion of helping the lion when it can. Soon enough, the lion gets trapped in a net put up by poachers. The tiny mouse sees the lion in distress and quickly chews away at the net and sets the lion free.


You never know who can become a great friend so be kind to everyone. Everyone will then be kind to you.

12. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse

The Country Mouse And The City Mouse

The city mouse visits his cousin in the country who feeds him a dish of beans and rice. The city mouse turns up his nose at the food and takes his cousin to the city for a meal of cake and ale. While they are eating, two dogs chase the mice who run for their lives.


It is better to be happy with ordinary things that you can enjoy in peace than look for luxury that cannot be enjoyed.

13. The Monkey and the Crocodile

The Monkey and The Crocodile

The story revolves around two friends – a monkey and a crocodile. The monkey used to give the crocodile an apple every day from the tree he lived on. The crocodile’s wife becomes greedy and asks for the monkey’s heart. The crocodile carries the monkey on its back to his wife. Once the monkey realizes what is happening, he tells the crocodile that his heart is on the tree and they must return to fetch it. Once they return, the monkey climbs onto the bank and runs away.


Staying calm and thinking clearly even in stressful situations can help you immensely.

14. The Elephant and His Friends

The Elephant And His Friends

Juno the elephant was lonely and tried to make friends with the other animals in the forest. But, the other animals refused to play with Juno because of his size. One day, all the animals were running away from Dera the tiger who was eating everyone he could find. Juno went and gave Dera a swift kick who immediately ran away. Juno was now everyone’s friend.


Your inherent abilities are your best qualities and the reason for your success.

15. The Foolish Lion

A lion is hungry and goes in search of prey. He finds a cave whose inhabitant has gone out. He decides to lay in wait for the unsuspecting animal. The owner of the cave, a jackal, however, suspects something is wrong when he arrives near the cave. The jackal asks the cave to reply to his calls. The foolish lion replies and the jackal escapes.


In haste, we make foolish decisions. One should always be calm and think of all the options before acting out.

16. The Monkey and the Dolphin

The Monkey and The Dolphin

A dolphin saves a monkey in a storm and they swim to an island. The dolphin asks the monkey if he knows the island. The monkey says that he does know the island and that he is in fact the prince of the island. The dolphin leaves the monkey on the island and swims away and the monkey finds himself all alone on the deserted island.


Boasting will not get you anywhere. Be careful of what you claim, you might actually have to behave accordingly.

17. The Clever Frog

The Clever Frog

In a pond was a large community of aquatic animals who all loved to play with each other. One day, two fishermen see the pond and the animals at play and talk about fishing at the pond but they leave as it is late. The frog tells everyone they must escape before the fishermen come back. However, everyone is sure of their ability to escape and decide to stay. The fishermen come the next day with strong nets and catch everyone except the frog who had left the pond.


It is better to err on the right side of caution. Assessing risks is a vital part of life.

18. Two Goats

Two Goats

There was a small creek over which was a fallen tree. A goat decides to cross the creek by walking over the tree. However, from the other side, another goat had the same idea and was crossing too. The fallen tree was not wide enough for them to pass each other, and they were too proud and stubborn to let the other one go. They readied their horns and charged at each other over and over with much force. Soon, the tree broke and both goats fell into the creek.


Being stubborn will not take you far. If you value your pride over everything else, you will suffer.

19. Friendship


This is the story of a dog Pepsi who wouldn’t play with the street dogs because he thought they were too dirty. One day, two thieves entered his house while his master was out and tried to push him into a sack. He cried for help and suddenly the dogs who lived on his street came and bit the thieves who dropped the sack with Pepsi and ran away. Pepsi learned his lesson and became friends with the dogs on his street


One must never discriminate against others based on their status or the things they own. Friendships are important.

20. The Roaring Lion

The Roaring Lion

Sheru the lion liked to scare everyone by roaring as loud as he could with no warning. Soon, everyone in the forest became miserable with his roaring and stopped playing with him. One day he convinced Rinku to play catch with him. As the game got more intense, Rinku passed the ball hard just as Sheru began to roar. The ball got stuck in his throat and the entire forest had to help him remove it. Sheru swore never to roar unnecessarily again.


One must not annoy the people around them just because it entertains them.

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